Workplace wellbeing helping people and teams thrive

People who work in the creative industry are THREE times more likely to experience issues with mental health than the general population
— Ulster University and Inspire report, 2017.
Each year mental ill health is responsible for 72 million lost working days and costs employers £34.9 billion
— Centre for Mental Health. Mental health at work: 2017

We’re on a mission to help people manage their mental wellbeing, so they can live and work to their full potential.

We work with the creative industries and forward thinking companies to create happy, healthy and high performing teams. 

We provide a range of dynamic, science based offerings, and measure our impact through improved resilience, reduced stress levels and enhanced performance. 

What People Are Saying


“It was a pleasure working with Katrina recently to support the wellbeing of employees at STV, she is clearly very knowledgeable and experienced in this field. Our employees were very engaged and we received great feedback”

— Lorna Miller, HR Business Partner, STV Group.  


“I would highly recommend Katrina and her workshops. She gave us some really practical techniques that are especially useful whilst we navigate Covid-19. She bought a sense of calm and understanding, and it was a positive experience to come together as a team.”

— Amy Morgan, Head of Partnership Management, Shelter


“Katrina is an excellent, clear and compassionate facilitator. Every week I learnt something new I could use to help support my life at home and at work and her skill in explaining the science and reason behind each step has left me understanding myself and my mental health much better.

— Caroline, Freelance TV Producer