
I’m Katrina Hession, the founder of Arise

I set up this business having experienced the power of mindfulness and movement therapies to help people lead happier and healthier lives.

My personal journey is all too familiar! In 2015, after 12 years working as a freelancer in TV production, latterly as a series producer on programmes for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4, I had a burnout, experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. The long hours and pressures of delivering high quality projects on time and on budget had finally taken their toll.

I set out on a journey to make significant changes to try and realign myself (how new age, I know!). I discovered two guiding beacons - mindfulness and yoga. This equipped me with a deeper understanding of myself, the ability to tune into what I needed, and crucially, to develop new habits and tools for better managing the busy, pressured life of producing TV shows.

I’ve since qualified as a Mindfulness trainer from The Mindfulness Exchange (a spin off from The University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre), and I’m trained and accredited with The Yoga Alliance to teach yoga and meditation. I’m excited to work with the creative industries and progressive business leaders that wish to improve the wellbeing, happiness and productivity of their teams.