
Whether you want to improve the wellbeing of your workforce, support them through any challenges of hybrid working or open up new opportunities for personal development, our carefully crafted workshops deliver measurable results. 

From 10 to 100 people, 1 hour to 1 day, online or in person - we create dynamic, engaging and insightful sessions.

How to manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm at work.

How to manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm at work.

90 mins > This session looks at the science of stress and delivers tools to calm the nervous system. It helps you understand unhelpful thinking patterns and learn techniques to stabilise a busy mind.

How to boost focus and creativity

How to boost focus and creativity

60 mins > This is essential attention training for all busy people. You will discover how to ditch multitasking, step out of hyper arousal and learn effective techniques to promote open, flexible thinking, and improve performance.

Navigating uncertainty and working from home during Covid-19

Navigating uncertainty and working from home during Covid-19

60 Mins > Learn how to self-manage and ride the waves of low mood and anxiety associated with life in lockdown. This workshop delivers practical ways to feel more confident and in control of the uncertain situations we’re facing.

How to lead with intention and integrity

How to lead with intention and integrity

1/2 day > Learn the science behind compassion and why it’s so important for collaboration, inclusion and leading with integrity. Gain confidence to create a supportive environment and tools to deal with challenging situations that arise in your teams.  

Coping strategies for time poor people

Coping strategies for time poor people

90 mins > You will gain tools to tap in to your inner resources, learn how to react wisely and how to protect your wellbeing in challenging times. Discover how to let go of what you can't control, and focus on what you can, increasing your capacity to be more adaptive and resilient.

An introduction to brain training

An introduction to brain training

90 mins or ½ day >  The workshop delivers a practical tool kit to calm and stabilise the mind, debunking unhelpful mindfulness myths along the way! Learn how to gain awareness of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, so you can manage them more effectively.

I would highly recommend the Arise workshops, they gave us some really practical tools that are especially useful whilst we navigate the complexities of Covid-19, and it was a positive experience to come together as a team. Katrina bought a sense of calm and is clearly very knowledgable in her field.
— Amy Morgan, Head of Partnership Management, Shelter