
We create an open friendly space for people to learn and grow together.

Delivered in person or virtually online, our courses have been designed to equip people with the tools they need to not just survive in the workplace but to thrive.

Mindfulness - Coping strategies for working life.

6 x 1 hour weekly sessions.

Our key focus on this course is to educate and empower your people with techniques to effectively self-manage. Not only does this help prevent poor mental health, and reduce the risk of burn out, it also creates high performing people who deliver their best work.

This evidence-based course, is specifically tailored for busy creatives, and blends the latest Neuroscientific research with the foundations of mindfulness. It trains the brain, just like you’d train a muscle in the gym, and delivers practical tools to use day to day.

Almost two-thirds of workers have considered leaving the Film and Television industry due to concerns about their mental health.
— The Film and TV Charity, Whole picture programme, 2020.
69% of managers say that supporting employee wellbeing is a core skill, but only 13% have received relevant training
— BITC, Mental Health at Work 2019 report
Mindfulness benefits.png

To have a chat about this course, or to find out more about how mindfulness can support your teams,

Compassionate leadership for culture change.

82% of workers in the Film and TV industry have experienced or witnessed bullying.
— Film and TV Charity, Whole picture programme, 2020.

More than ever before, during these challenging times companies are being asked to answer calls asking for equality, heart and humanity from their employees. People want to see companies taking responsibility, accountability and most of all action. People are calling for….compassionate leadership.

A compassionate leader understands and values difference, they are renowned for their authentic people management skills and they create supportive environments that impact positively on the teams they lead, and organisations as a whole.

Launching this autumn, this 8 x 1 hour course will equip leaders with the knowledge, understanding and skills to become a better leader.

To register your interest and find out more about this innovative course;

91% of leaders said compassion is very important for leadership, with 80% wanting to enhance their compassion but do not know how
— Harvard research review

Data driven to help you reach your goals.

As a free service we add pre and post course metrics so we can not only tweak the courses to meet people where they’re at, but you can also track the impact of the work we do. These simple, but effective audits enable you to chart and complete your objectives.

Want a full company wide audit to understand how your teams are really functioning and feeling?.